So it's my beautiful Mothers Anniversary today, why is it just her Anniversary do you ask???
Let me Answer with this:
Happy 30th Anniversary of your 29th Birthday!!!!
My mom is sooooo loving me right now, I can feel it!
I have been wondering how to honor my mother on her special day, and my normal is to go on and on about what a wonderful, incredible person she is, how she is the most patient, loving, selfless, giving and forgiving person that I know, and how I would be so happy to be 1/10th of the Mother she is to my children and she was to me. But in thinking back about past birthdays I could not get this story out of my head so it must be that I must share...............
When my mom was celebrating the 11th Anniversary of her 29th birthday, my Dad took her out to dinner with Aunt Pam and Uncle Ken and some of our neighbor's from our Roosevelt Days, so thus my big brother Justin was left to manage all us "little" children (why my mom ever left him in charge is still a mystery to me, anywho) I remember all of us being downstairs I am going to say peacefully watching TV because after all that is what my mom wants to hear right. When all of a sudden we heard a noise upstairs, I remember all of us older kids trying to quiet the little kids down so we could hear what we just knew was a burglar in our home, we were trying to listen so we knew where this burglar was and what they might be stealing. Justin being the "babysitter" decided that he would protect us all and snuck upstairs and grabbed one of my Dad's knives from the kitchen drawer, now for some of those who may not know my Dad was, is and will always be a butcher, so needless to say we always had BIG and SHARP butcher knives. Once Justin came back downstairs with the knife we formulated a plan to go and make sure that this burglar left our home. So Justin, Matt, Me and I am pretty sure Kari (but it could have been Erin because she was more likely to be braver than Kari) went upstairs, and room by room we searched for our burglar. You can just imagine Justin and Matt being the big heroes and sneaking into the bedrooms and searching behind each door for our burglar, picture with my please....sneak, sneak, sneak (looking at each other and mouthing) you go that way, grabbing doors and with a quick humph and a HI-YA, yep that was us protecting our home!!! So after every door, closet and room was thoroughly checked and cleared we started to head back to the basement when I happened to look on the Kitchen Table only to notice something was not right, as I got closer I saw the very thing that must have been the burglars reason for entering our home, what was it; a cake. Someone in the neighborhood had brought over a cake, I am sure that they must have knocked and knocked they may have even rang the doorbell, and I will never know why us children who always behaved so well when my parents were gone couldn't hear them, until they walked in and put it on our kitchen table. Well Mom I am glad for you that we all survived our harrowing night of the Birthday Burglar!!! :)
Happy Birthday Mom, I really do Love you!!!
(even though you did leave Justin in charge)