Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bloom where you are planted

17 years ago I entered the Salt Lake City Temple a young girl who was naive in many ways about the world and what it held, only to join myself with a boy who had stolen my heart, swept me off my feet and made me feel like nothing was impossible as long as we were together.

In the time that Scott and I have shared we have had many learning experiences, some speed bumps, some small hills to climb and some Mountains so steep that you literally pray everyday to just have enough energy to get to the top so you can coast down the other side.  In these years I have learned a few things about Love, myself, Scott and the things that really matter.  I used to think that Love was it, it was all you ever needed, well that and a good sense of humor.  But Love is just the seed you plant for your marriage to grow and it is within the roots of your seed wherein your marriage blooms. 

Respect - I have a profoundly deep respect for Scott as a husband, father, son, grandson, brother (in-law), friend, priesthood holder, business owner and so many other ways.

Friendship - When Scott and I were dating I knew I had something special because of the deep connection we shared, one thing for sure is that no matter how long we have been together we never run out of things to talk about. 

Listening - No matter who is talking if there isn't someone willing to listen all you are doing is blowing hot air.

Commitment - Whether it is a big commitment (house) or a small one (what to make for dinner) we both are learning to be comfortable with our choices, even when we make bad ones, we learn, we grow, we move on.

Fighting - I know, I know, this should not be a root in any marriage, but really when you think about it, it is essential to know how to fight fair.  Scott and I have our "disagreements" but we have always been really good about working through, keeping to the facts and sometimes even daring to admit we were wrong *gasp*.

Protection - Is there nothing better in this world than to feel safe, in our marriage we have had to learn how to protect our family, our values, our hearts, our feelings, ourselves and each others self-worth.  Even with Scott as my husband I don't need his vault of guns to feel safe, I just need his arms wrapped tightly around me.

Sense of Humor - Sometimes all you can do is laugh because if your not laughing your crying, and you all know Scott so you can imagine how important this is for me ;)

Over the course of the 17 years we have shared there have been many more roots to our marriage, and I am very fortunate to have a good foundation in which to continue to build our relationship on. So until next year ---Happy Anniversary to you Scott, thanks for being the protector of my heart, for keeping me grounded and for still being the one I dream with!--- 


  1. Too cute. What a nice tribute to Scott. Having known him for 17+ years, I feel that I can honestly say I have very few childhood memories without him and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm glad you two got married all those years ago. Happy Anniversary!

  2. Very sweet. :) Happy anniversary!
