Wednesday, June 29, 2011

There is nothing better..................


So Scott and I took off for a week to go have some fun and sun in Mexico and believe me when I say IT. WAS. INCREDIBLE!!! (Look for a post about that soon, I have to get some pics from our friends)

But man I have not seen my kids since the 19th when my Mom and Dad took them home with them, I know the kids have been having so much fun and I am sure that they even barely notice that we are not there but I miss them sooooooooooo much.  I miss their faces, their smiles, their voices, their laughs, their quirky sayings, and yes even their fighting ( I know crazy huh!), I can barely talk to them on the phone right now without crying and longing to see them and hug them.  I am so lucky in the fact that my Mother-in-law and Scott's step-dad aka Grandma and Pappy will take the kids for a week every summer they call it "Week with no Parents", I feel the kids are so lucky in so many ways because of this tradition.  It all started with Scott's Grandma King, she would take Scott and his brothers every summer for a period of time and Scott has so many memories of the time he was able to share with her and his Grandfather (before he passed away), when Robin became a Grandma she wanted to help out and do some of the same things that had meant so much to her when she herself was in the throughs of motherhood, so thus Week with no Parents was a tradition she upheld.  I know the kids probably don't really grasp the full impact of this time spent with their Grandparents but I do and I know that one day they will look back with great fondness for the relationships that were formed and the special moments that they shared with the wonderful people they have as Grandparents.  They have been able to spend alot of time with both sets of Grandparents on this trip and I have enjoyed listening to all their tales of the never-ending fun they have had.  Thank you, thank you Dad and Mom and Robin and Everett for being ever so willing to take on an extra 4 kids, well really 5 since I will claim Katie too.  I don't know how to convey how much I appreciate all you do for them, I am very spoiled to have such wonderful parents and in-laws!!!

Now.................please; GIVE THEM BACK!!!

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