:) Lainee draws a picture of Scott (complete with armpit hair)
:) Lainee draws a picture of Maryland, which is just the house that Drew and Erin use to live in, I think she thinks the house is called Maryland!!!
:) Bradley and Taron find a "hippie" friend
:( We think their Hippie friend may have some issues.....!!!
:( Lainee falls down and gets her first black eye and a huge scrape across her cheek!!
:) Kennadee and Makayla spend a lot of their time in Kari's car, thus making my van easy to clean!!!
:( Toll Roads (seriously people.......BOOOOO)
:) Cassie, Erin and Taci texting us to see where we are!!!!
:( Cassie, Erin and Taci texting us to see where we are.............STILL NEBRASKA *sigh*
:) going to the Winter Quarters Temple and having the kids remember being there before!!!! (2 years ago)
:) Zachary and Grandma getting maps in every state we passed through!!! (I thought it was really cute how they had this bonding time!!)
:) Zachary taping one of his maps to the back of the chair in front of him and using it as "his own GPS"!!!
:( Realizing "someone" left their cell phone back at the Hotel.
:) Having that realization only 15 min. after they left the Hotel!!!!!
:) Kids being excited about Homework!!!!
:) Drinking Pepsi!!!!!
:( finshing it by 9 am
I am sure there is tons more and I will probably remember them later, but for now this is what I can offer :)
So you would think by now that we women (Me, Kari and Mom) would be pulling our hair out and wondering if our kids were old enough to hitchhike home, but nooooo, surprisingly for me, the kids seemed to be enjoying the journey as well (maybe not Landon so much but he is just 2). We had lots of fun things to entertain the kids with and that made traveling much easier. We had travel bingo, doll kits, legos, friendship bracelet kits, books, license plate games, homework sheets, notebooks to color in, puzzle/game books, aluminum foil, I-touchs, an I-pad (THANK YOU Uncle "Cloud" Galen) and of course Movies and Music!!!!! I also had the Harry Potter audio books on my touch and so whenever I could I would listen to them (the man who recorded them is simply aaaaaamazing!!!). Our 3rd and final night on the road we stopped just outside Akron, Ohio and got a hotel suite. I think the kids thought they were in Heaven. There was a kitchenette, 2 bedrooms and then the living room had a couch that pulled out to a bed, there were T.V.'s in all the rooms and big nice bathrooms!!! They thought is was soooo cool how we could all be together in the same "room"!!!
After some time in the pool the next morning we started the final leg of our journey HOORAY!!!! It was just so exciting to finally know that today would be the day that we would finally reach our destination, and even more exciting to think of everybody waiting for us to finally get there!!!! I do have to tell you about this town though, I am pretty sure it was in PA but I could be wrong. So for lunch we decided to stop in what we thought would be a small town, you couldn't see much from the freeway and the name of the town "Cranberry" just gave me the impression of a quaint little stop. Well it must have been a lot bigger than we thought for they had a two lane road going into the Wal-mart parking lot and it seemed like the roads going anywhere in that town were little mini freeways!!! But the park where we ate lunch was just what we needed so Thank You Cranberry for your wonderful community park!!!