Thursday, May 7, 2009

Chapter 16: ????? Twins ?????

So some of you may already know about our twins, but for those of you who don't, I hope you enjoy this little blog. ;)

I know all of you thought that we were done having children, and just to clarify, we ARE, but sometimes funny little things happen and when you least expect it, you find yourself doubly blessed. For a little over a week now, we have had Zachary's "twin" Zane living with us. And although we have known him his whole life and see him everyday, it has just been so much fun to have him here and to have him be a "real" part of our family.

It all started when they were 3, they started noticing how similar they were, afterall they were both boys, their names started with Z, and then after the Z they both had A's, they were about the same height, and had very similar hair coloring. That is where it all started. Since then, they have become inseperable, they have their own Language, they finish each others thoughts and sentences, they have the same likes and dislikes (although some I think are self-imposed), they both think (and write) BYU rox and UTES sux on everything, they have been in the same classes since pre-school, even though in Kindergarten they were supposed to have been in different classes, they actually look alike and their mannerism are freakishly similar. Many times Maresa (Zane's mom) and I find ourselves totally baffled by how alike these boys from totally opposite parents are.

In preshool, they kept telling their teacher that they were brothers and that their parents had divorced and married each other (yes they were only 4) so for the longest time the teacher was just amazed at how well these "step-parents" got along. In Kindergarten at the first parent-teacher conference I went to, their teacher told me the story that the "twins" were telling everyone which was; that Maresa (again just Zane's mom) found out she was pregnant with twin boys and she decided that she didn't want two boys and since we lived close by she sold us one of the boys, you can imagine my face when she told me this story, I literally had to pick my jaw up off the floor, these are Kindergarteners, but if you know anything about them you know how imaginative they can be, but still, sold at birth, come on. And even now that they are in the first grade, they still hold firm that they are indeed twins and that they just live with different parents, I mean how else do you explain all the similarities?????? If I had music this is where I would interject with the twilight theme song, so for my sake sing along; do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, 2nd verse same as the first do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. Well at least for this week they can say that they are really twins, with the same parental figures, the same bed time, living in the same house, and doing everything TOGETHER!


  1. It sounds even funnier when it's written down! They are too crazy! I hope that they always stay friends...what a fun life! Who knew that you REALLY WOULD have twins!!!!

  2. LOL!!! How cute! I was wondering who that kid was at the family christmas party! Well that would be nice to have twins without having to do ALL the work, like pregnancy, labor, double late nights, potty training, twice the teeth coming in....etc etc.
