I watched the movie "The Last Song" a lot while I was sick and I fell in love with the song that Ronnie (Miley Cyrus) plays at her Dad's funeral. So I got online and searched for the sheet music, Voila, found it..................or did I??? While the sheet music I found was called "Ronnie's Song" or "Steve's Theme" it isn't what I wanted. It is in some sense the same song, but not the same rendition of the song, if that makes any sense. So I have been obsessed with finding the sheet music for her rendition and I am failing miserably, so if any of you out there know where it can be found, PLEASE, put me out of my misery.
The Scale - So you know when you are sick and can't hold anything down, your first thought is usually "YAY!!! I am going to lose weight!" (that is if you are a woman), and some of you already know that I was steadily losing weight before my illness, but sadly in this case for whatever reason, my body just literally shut down and therefore I was getting on the scale 3-4 times a day, a DAY people, because I was so nervous that if I wasn't losing any, that I would eventually gain some back since my diet consisted of alot of crackers, white bread and of course, ice cream! (I just re-read what I wrote and it totally sounds like I am pregnant, but NO people there are no more babies coming!!) So anyway back to my point, since feeling better I still find myself on the scale alot mostly because I fear that all that food will somehow come back to bite me, probably in the butt :(
You know all those little things that somehow always get put off 'til tomorrow, like for instance cleaning "the junk drawer", the top of your fridge, the top of the washer and dryer. I know you know what I am talking about and I know that you have already named 3 of your own places, well I have been trying to tackle those one at a time, and so you may be asking yourself "what about this makes this an obsession?", well I will tell you, it is because when I think of the project I want to do for the day, I am constantly thinking about it all. day. long...so why don't I just do it in the morning and get it over with, well because then my name wouldn't be Melanie, I live for procrastination and I do it well. Maybe one day you will see me all organized and put together but for now, I am just glad that I actually think of these little things!!!