Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Home Lunch....

I am having a raging debate, mostly with myself, about the pros and cons of home lunch.  Most everyday this school year, Zachary has been taking a home lunch which he gets up and makes himself, my job in this whole thing is to make sure he has what he needs and never run out.  But this week he has taken it to a whole new level, let me explain; his lunch consists of:

PB & J sandwich (PB has to be a certain brand, jam has to be my freezer strawberry jam and his white bread is that cheap sandwich bread, that makes me shudder each time I put it in my cart.)

Chips (doesn't matter what kind as long as there is an extensive selection)

Grapes (he doesn't care how much they cost in the winter)

Capri Sun

There really isn't much to complain about there except for the fact that he is so specific and I can rarely get him to see that substitutions are okay, oh and did I mention that at promptly 7:45 am every morning he calls Zane to verify the lunch plans and they pack their lunches while on the phone with each other, so keep in mind I am making sure that not only 1 but 2 kids are satisfied with their lunch requirements, and I always have to keep spares of everything on the off chance that Zane's Mom has run out of something and she does the same for Zach.

So this past week as I have been weighing the cost of groceries vs. school lunch, Zach kindly reminded me that he has a field trip on Thurs. which of course requires a Lunchable (I refuse to let them eat them any other time), and also since Zane's mom has now purhased Twinkies for Zane's lunch I had to get them too, so for his lunch tomorrow he will pack his disgusting lunchable, chips, a twinkie and a Kool-aid Jammer (they were cheaper than Capri-Sun), so as I am buying this stuff keeping in mind that I am also trying so hard to eat better and healthier I find myself thinking, "what in the heck kind of lunch is this, there is absolutely no nutritional value in it whatsoever, yet I am buying this stuff and then I am saying to my son, go ahead pack the lunch that is suppose to sustain you through school hours and have a great day!!!  I feel like a great mom!!!

Despite my knowledge of good vs. evil foods, I have to say that for whatever reason his making his own lunch empowers him and so for that reason and that reason alone, I will still continue to let him pack his lunches and hopefully my buying a box of twinkies doesn't come back to bite me in the butt!!!

(I really must love them!!!)

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