Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chapter 86: A laugh (or two)

So tonight during dinner Scott decided to tell me that he was going to be putting in for a Bear Hunt, a spring Bear hunt, but a bear hunt nonetheless. I proceeded to ask him, after I was done rolling my eyes, why he would want to do that. He said to kill a bear of course!!! I then said, what in the world would you do with it once you killed it!!! I should have known better, he quickly responded with, I would take it to the taxidermist and he would make it into a bear rug WITH the head still attached and we could use it on our bed?!?!?!?!?!? Seriously what is wrong with this man..................so I told him, well I am starting to think you want a divorce to which little Lainee quickly jumped in with "No, No, because I really like both of you!!!!"

Well I guess for now we will stay married, just because it is nice to be LIKED!!!! Stay tuned though the "debate" on where the deer head will be hanging is still waging on.

1 comment:

  1. I told Chris he has to hang it in the garage. Animal heads will not be mounted on my walls.
