Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Chapter 46: ReSoLutiOns????

2010 - So this year I have made some resolutions, I know, I know, why does anyone make resolutions, because usually they are not kept and I have been guilty of not following through before, but hey, my thoughts today are that if I don't put write them down I will have nothing to be accountable to. So now I will be accountable to all who read this, and hopefully I will find my new year filled with accomplishments!!!! So here are my Resolutions for 2010:

- be more healthy (aka lose weight)
- Up my Temple Attendance.
- have Family Home Evening EVERY week, even if we can't do it on Mon.
- try one new recipe a week, and blog about it (yes I did watch Julie and Julia)
- work on improving my piano and guitar playing
- be more service oriented

Well I think this list is a pretty good start for the year, so here's to making Resolutions and making them count!!!!


  1. Me too for the top three! Good goals. Good luck...! :)

  2. Guitar playing!? Are you trying to copy EVERYTHING that I do?? I am not even going to tell you how many shoes I own for fear you are going to start collecting shoes...
