Sunday, January 10, 2010

Chapter 47: 52 Recipes - 52 Weeks

So one thing you may or may not know about me is that I LOVE cookbooks, I love magazines about cooking and I especially love it when there is a picture of the food that goes with the recipe. Having said that, I don't neccessarily love to cook all the time, so I have acquired all these wonderful books and magazines and print offs from the computer that have all these yummy recipes and yet there they sit on the shelf only to be read and looked at and not used for the purpose they were written for. Over the Christmas Break this year, while I was at my Mother-in-Laws house they gave me for Christmas the movie Julie and Julia and it just made me want to appreciate the art of cooking a little more, so for one of my New Year's Resolutions I decided that I was going to crack open my cookbooks and start cooking and using the recipes that I have been looking at and drooling over and also try to improve my cooking skills a little bit.

So here is my first (well really since it is the 2nd week of Jan. I did a dinner and dessert) picture to share with you all.

For Dinner:
Red Wine Beef with Mushrooms
(yes, I did use cooking wine for the first time and yes I did actually include the mushrooms even though I have not acquired a taste for them.)

For Dessert:
Gingerbread Cake with an Orange Glaze


  1. The meat doesn't appeal to me but the dessert does. I have to ask tho, how'd your kids handle it???
    Burt is impressed. HE is the cook of this family, by a LONG SHOT. :)

  2. Bradley downed it and the girls ate the meat and noodles, they don't like mushrooms either and Zachary picked at it (he doesn't like anything, unless it is at his friends house where he apparently loves everything and has seconds and thirds?!?!?!?!) So overall I think it was a success!!

  3. Are those the actual pictures of what you made? Because if they are I am totally impressed!!! They look just like the pictures out of the cookbooks. If the recipes came from a magazine, you should send in your photos to them of your success.

    I am hoping that someday I might be able to try your resolution, but my kids are WAY to picky right now. Keep us updated on how they like all the new meals because maybe there will be a few we can use.

  4. WOW, I'm totally in awe! Way to go! Keep the pictures coming and make sure to invite me over soon!!!! :)
